Sunday, August 10, 2014

Love our neighbors as ourselves.

Love our neighbors as ourselves.
Respect each others faith.
Prevent another Holocaust.
God created us all equally.
It was in God's Plan to be created in a diversity,
A people of all nations and religion.

We do not need wars but peace on earth as it is in heaven.
"Life is Beautiful" , we are all created in His image
And we need to respect what God created.
It is His purpose for our existence not ours.
Just Pray For Peace For all Humanity.

Make Peace not Wars.
We need to follow what is His mission for us servants to God,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Amen..Alleluia....Pray, Pray, Pray
Is the  key answer to all prayers.

Maria Fiore Pilon-August 10th., 2014 ©

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