Friday, December 16, 2011

La Société des intimidés disparus.

Publié le 5 décembre 2011 à 5h00.

La Société des intimidés disparus.

Stéphane Laporte
La Presse
Avant de m'apprendre l'alphabet ou la table de trois, l'école m'a appris que j'étais repoussant. Le taupin de la 1re année ne cessait de me pousser pour me faire tomber, ce qui faisait rire une bonne partie de la classe. Ce fut pour moi un choc. À la maison, j'étais tant aimé que je ne pouvais comprendre qu'à l'école, je sois aussi malmené.  Pourquoi moi? Pourquoi c'était moi qui subissais les humiliations de mes camarades et pas un autre? Ça devait être parce que j'étais moins bon que les autres. C'est cette constatation qui fait le plus mal. Beaucoup plus que les coups. Mais elle ne m'a pas hanté longtemps. J'ai vite compris que si la petite brute s'en prenait à moi, c'est juste parce que j'avais les jambes croches et que c'était facile de me faire tomber. Les petites brutes aiment la facilité. C'est pour ça qu'elles s'attaquent à ceux qui ont l'air les plus vulnérables. Ce n'est que ça qui détermine le choix des victimes. On s'attaque aux fragiles. Aux sensibles. Pas aux moins bons, juste aux moins solides. C'est la lâcheté des bourreaux. Heureusement pour moi, si mes jambes étaient faibles, mon caractère était fort. J'étais un faux fragile. Un résistant. Et quand l'intimidant a constaté qu'il avait beau m'accrocher les pieds, jamais il ne ferait tomber ma tête, il a abandonné.

Au fil des ans, il y en a d'autres qui se sont essayés. Étant un handicapé allant à l'école des enfants normaux, j'étais toujours le différent de la gang. Et la différence attire ceux qui ont un trop-plein de haine à expulser. Ces épisodes d'intimidation n'ont jamais duré longtemps. Mon imperturbabilité décourageait les plus acharnés. Je n'ai pas de mérite. C'est la nature qui m'a donné une tête de cochon!

Malheureusement, il y a plein d'enfants qui n'ont que des petits coeurs d'anges. Plein d'enfants que les agissements des persécuteurs minent, marquent et détruisent. À jamais.  Ce qui est paniquant quand on est victime de la méchanceté, c'est l'isolement. Il n'y a personne pour nous défendre. Chacun sauve sa peau. Quand je me faisais jeter à terre, il y avait les cons qui riaient, mais il y avait surtout les autres qui regardaient ailleurs. Ces autres qui avaient assez d'humanité pour réaliser que ce n'était pas correct, ce que faisait le terroriste en culottes courtes, mais pas assez de courage pour s'en mêler. Ils ne voulaient surtout pas être à ma place. Et en venant à ma rescousse, ils risquaient de l'être. Pourtant, s'ils étaient tous venus, la bonté aurait gagné. Mais la bonté est difficile à faire bouger. Alors, les pas fins en profitent.

Les plus faibles dans les histoires d'intimidation ne sont pas ceux que l'on pense. Ce ne sont pas ceux qui sont attaqués, ce sont tous ceux qui laissent faire, ce sont tous ceux qui laissent défaire.

Le principal rôle de l'école, ce n'est pas d'apprendre aux enfants le français, l'histoire, les mathématiques ou la chimie, c'est d'apprendre aux enfants à vivre ensemble. À peine sevré, on quitte sa famille pour passer ses journées avec des dizaines d'étrangers. Pouvez-vous nous montrer comment nous apprivoiser? Apprenez-nous la responsabilité. Des actes que l'on fait. Et des actes que l'on ne fait pas. Il faut connaître les conséquences de nos coups, et les conséquences de notre indifférence.  Il faut se servir du français, de l'histoire, des mathématiques et de la chimie pour nous apprendre la connaissance de soi et la connaissance des autres.

Adulte, quand on est victime d'intimidation, on peut décider de quitter notre emploi, notre club de hockey ou notre mari. Enfant, quand on est victime d'intimidation, on ne peut pas décider de quitter l'école. L'école a le monopole de notre destin. Changer d'école ne change souvent pas grand-chose. Chaque école a son quota de gentils, de tièdes et de mauvais. On est pris dans le cul-de-sac du malheur. Et il n'y a qu'une façon de s'en échapper...

Voilà pourquoi l'école doit être le milieu le plus sain du monde. Voilà pourquoi l'école ne doit pas être un endroit où on apprend tout par coeur, mais tout avec le coeur. Nos enfants y abandonnent leur jeunesse, en échange, donnons-leur le meilleur de nous-mêmes.  Il faut créer la Société des intimidés disparus. À la mémoire des âmes fragiles qui n'ont pas su résister au climat hostile qui règne dans plusieurs des établissements scolaires. Il faut être attentif, prévenant et pacificateur. Il faut que cette société regroupe tous les profs, tous les élèves, tous les parents, tous les intervenants, tous ceux qui sont passés par là. Que ce soit la priorité numéro un. Que le plus important de tous les savoirs soit le savoir-vivre.  Bien sûr, il y aura encore des taupins. Bien sûr, il y aura encore des victimes. Mais s'il y en a seulement un peu moins, tous ces efforts ne seront pas vains.

Il aura fallu le suicide d'une enfant pour éveiller les consciences. Pourtant, ceux qui continuent de vivre malgré les blessures du rejet devraient aussi nous émouvoir.  Donnons leur raison d'avoir cru en la vie, d'avoir cru en eux, d'avoir cru en nous.  Arrêtons d'être complices par omission de tous les actes d'intimidation.  Pas besoin d'avoir les jambes croches pour avoir du mal à se tenir debout.

Que tout le monde se lève. Que tout le monde se tienne.

Je dis respect à tous les intimidés.

Reçu par courriel par un amie.

Le lien direct du blog de Stéphane Laporte

Sunday, November 20, 2011



This part of the Psalms of the November 20th, 2011 gospel and reading,
was one my always favorite part of the scriptures. I always love to sing it too.


Psalms 23(22):1-2a.2b-3.5.6.
A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
In green pastures you let me graze; to safe waters you lead me;
In green pastures you let me graze; to safe waters you lead me;
you restore my strength. You guide me along the right path for the sake of your name.

You set a table before me as my enemies watch; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Only goodness and love will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come.

From the Daily Gospel:



This part of the reading that was on November 13, 2011,
I love to listen many times. It always touches me.

First Letter to the Thessalonians 5:1-6.
Concerning times and seasons, brothers, you have no need for anything to be written to you.
For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night.
When people are saying, "Peace and security," then sudden disaster comes upon them, like labor pains upon a pregnant woman,and they will not escape.
But you, brothers, are not in darkness, for that day to overtake you like a thief.
For all of you are children of the light and children of the day. We are not of the night or of darkness.
Therefore, let us not sleep as the rest do, but let us stay alert and sober.

From the Daily Gospel,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The changing face of Laval

The changing face of Laval

This article was sent to my email from my Parish Bulletin for November 13, 2011

Father Peter Sabbath, Pastor

Holy Name of Jesus Parish

899 Chomedey Blvd.

Laval, Quebec H7V 2X1


tel: 450-688-3887

fax: 450-688-1738

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What Happens When Trust Fails Everywhere ?

I am in a situation that really has become very lonesome where sometimes, people you think you have trusted have failed you in every walk of life. Sometimes, they have treated you in a very hypocritical fashion, that you are not even aware that this is happening. Even people you share your life with is very obscure because of the uncertainty of a stable life. I have to endure all kinds pain that my health can be at stake.
I do have frail health. I suffer from Urinary track problems before menopause, I was operated to fix the problem a couple years ago, but I am taking medication "Detrol La" to keep it under control
but I still live with this problem because the doctor can't operate me again because it will take a while to heal from inside.
I was born in 1955 and I am 55 years old. You know there is saying, that when your age falls on your birthday of that year, it is going to be the lucky year. This year has been the most unluckiest year in my life.
I have been in the most embarrassing situations that is UN-imaginable.
I have lost my employment since September 21, 2009 and it will be two years this year. I am in a personal financial deficit, high credit card debt and we will have to sell our property, because I have lost all source of income almost 4 months now and no job yet. My husband had a one month postal strike, where we lost money for a whole month. We had to give up my nieces engagements, weddings, cousins invitations, bridal showers and lots of other family occasions because of money.
All the friends, co-workers whom promised to go out with me, they just call me occasionally to see how I am doing, but no actions. I know I would have done better because I care and I am a very sensitive person. You can't impose on others,because of their busy lives which is very understandable, but this is only excuses.
The family and friends make it sound so easy to get a job, but it is not easy believe me. Sometimes when I meet with some they seem to look down on you, but you know, what comes around goes around. Don't spit in the wind because you do not know where it will land the next time. Now it is my turn, tomorrow it is your turn. But God says to bless them back and to love your enemies by blessing them back with prayers
and offer these problems unto Him and He will take care of them because we are asked to forgive them.
I have been to many interviews, they say age should not be a factor to work, but it is a fact, because when you see younger people and they tell you if you are hired you will be notified by such and such a date or they send you a written notice that you aren't selected but they hold the applications for a future need and that they will contact me again. This job search thing has been very stressful for me that is causing me with an increase of anxiety within me. This has been for me some great observations to learn from it and improve myself growth in becoming more wiser and confident. There is a reason why I am going through these hard times, because in my next life where I may land in a new job, or opportunities of hope, a new door where I will share my happiness, where I will the be most understood, or back to my home where I belong with my Heavenly Father. It will be my birthday again this September 18th, I will be 56 years old. I really hope that it will be a more prosperous and hopeful year for me and my family.

Thank you so much for reading this message about me.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Nation With Diversity

What makes us a nation with diversity, sharing 
and welcoming others from multicultural background ?

I enjoy this diversity of a people of different origins and background 
because we share our cultures in our communities, finding out about 
what they eat, their faiths, how they dress, what kind of 
entertainment they like, what is their type of decor, 
what arts do they perform and a lot more.

What I enjoy where I live, you can try different types of meals 
in many cultural restaurants. You can eat Chinese, Portuguese, 
Haitian, Mexican, Latino, Lebanese, Italian, 
Greek, Arabian, Asian, and lots of different foods. You can buy
most of their products offered in our grocery stores, where we have displays of tasting the goods provided from these different ethnic backgrounds.In the summer time we have also festivals dedicated to all different cultures where we are entertained, dance, their arts and more.

We all are have our differences in our ideas or cultures but when combined it makes it worth the while to listen and to be attentive to what they have to offer. When you listen to their history with all the baggage they carry in the circumstances that they had to endure, where some had to go through so much tribulations before they entered our countries. I as witness to some new immigrants that I met, I know from an individual point of view, we do get along, it is not religion of the individual that should separate us from dialogue, because they all teach about respect to one another with the theme of loving your neighbour as yourself.  We all know of one 
and the same God, that is above all and watches over us. He loves us all equal, we are all His children. He will never abandon His own.

We are the lands of milk and honey that God gave us that we all share it with our brothers and sisters, instead of being selfish to grab it all. Remember when we lend a hand to one another we get it back in a thousand folds. Love is pure and generous without the expectations of getting back from whom we were given from. It is in the Mighty Power of God's Hand to deliver us the blessings as He wishes. It always depends on if the Gifts we ask we are able to handle it.  It is like us humans, we know what our child needs we do not give them stones  when they ask for bread or even better,we know what is best for our children. Remember watch what you ask for, you may regret what is given that is hard to handle within our strength, unless we pray and ask for His courage and strength to be able to grow with it because it is a blessing for us to learn from our experiences.

Sometimes, I wonder why so much good stuff going on in a peaceful way, when there is so much wars around us ? They are trying to break us off and destroying our essence of existence that God had intended for all of us to live in peace, unity,and love. Remember, we are different like many types of flowers growing in the same garden. This is what makes it diversity, challenging, interchanging our cultures with love, respect and dignity to one another. Remember, lots innocent people are dieing needlessly everyday because of power controllers worldwide. God wants peace to all mankind. Let's work together in bringing it fruitful so that everyone will live without famine, humanitarian and war crisis that is presently going around us, like in Africa and other countries at stake. 

From: Maria Fiore Pilon
August 14, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pray, Hope And Don't Worry(July2011)

Let the Holy Spirit act within you. Give yourself up to all his transports and have no fear.
He is so wise and gentle and discreet that he never brings about anything but good.
How good this Holy Spirit, this Comforter, is to all, but how supremely good he is to those who seek him.
- St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Padre Pio's Devotions Site

Click here to read more about his message of hope.

From: Saint Pio's Site
Newsletter received: June 27, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why confess your sins ? Is Living In Fear Good For Us ?


Never let your past sins be an obstacle between you and Jesus.
It's a ruse of the devil to keep putting our sins before
our eyes in order to make them like a screen between the Saviour and us.
"Think of your past sins to persuade yourself of your weakness; think of them
to confirm your resolution not to fall again
-- that's necessary -- but think of them mainly to bless Jesus for having pardoned you, for having purified you,for having cast all your sins to the bottom of the sea. Do not go looking for them at the bottom of the sea! He has wiped them out;
He has forgotten them. I'm not saying that you believe too much in your own wretchedness. I'm telling you that you don't believe enough in merciful love.
God's greatest pleasure is to pardon us. The good Lord is more eager to
pardon a repentant sinner than a mother to rescue her child from the fire.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Because our lives are completely dependent on the gift of our Creator and
because we lack perfect trust in his love, we live in constant fear of our vulnerability. This fear is so natural that we often don't pay much attention to it. Nevertheless, our thoughts, feelings and actions are constantly influenced by a more or less conscious pursuit of security. The happiness God desires for us involves a freedom from these fears. There are many references to fear or anxiety appear in Scripture. But to free ourselves from these fears we have to first acknowledge and accept our weaknesses, insecurities, and vulnerabilities.
And then begin to accept God's unique plan for each one of us and grow closer to the Father who longs to free us from fear and lead us to perfect happiness.
Lisa Duffy
“Let your hearts not be troubled. Neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27

“The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love; It signifies Love, It produces love. The
Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life.”

From: The Holy Name Of Jesus, Laval,Quebec,Canada
June 19, 2011, Church Bulletin

The Blessed Trinity


The making of the sign of the cross, which
professes faith in the redemption of Christ and in
the Trinity, dates from the earliest centuries.
Before receiving the sacrament of baptism,
Christians respond to a three-part question when
asked to witness their faith in the Father, the
Son and the Spirit by saying "I do." The faith of
all Christians rests on the Trinity.
Christians are baptized in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: not in their
own names, for there is only one God, the
almighty Father, his only Son and the Holy Spirit: the Most Holy Trinity.
The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery
of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself.
It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that
enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the
"hierarchy of the truths of faith". The whole history of salvation
is identical with the history of the way and the means
by which the one true God, Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, reveals himself to men "and reconciles
and unites with himself those who turn away from sin".

Catechism of the Catholic Church 232-234
Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Glory be to the Father,
Who by His almighty power and love created me,
making me in the image and likeness of God.
Glory be to the Son,
Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell,
and opened for me the gates of heaven.
Glory be to the Holy Spirit,
Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism,
and continues to sanctify me
by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Amen.

From: From: The Holy Name Of Jesus, Laval,Quebec,Canada
June 19, 2011, Church Bulletin

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is one
of the best gifts you can give to yourself and
your children. Like any new skill, it takes
some time, planning and determination.
Gratitude is an antidote to jealousy.
When you start to compare what you
have with what other people have,
thinking about all the things in your life
hat you're grateful for chases away the
green monster of envy.
Gratitude is an antidote to worry.
When you are worried about what might
happen tomorrow, thinking about all the
things you're grateful for today pushes
aside fear of the future.
Gratitude is an antidote to insecurity.
When you feel as if you're not good
enough, thinking about your God-given
gifts and talents helps you to see there is
meaning and purpose in your life.
Gratitude is an antidote to anger. When you are upset with someone you
love, thinking about how grateful you are for the good things about this
person helps makes you want to patch things up.
Gratitude is an antidote to sadness. When you feel down, an attitude of
gratitude for all the good things in your life chases the blues away.
Gratitude is an antidote to stress. When you feel as if you can't cope,
thinking about how grateful you are for everything that is going well in your
life helps to restore a sense of peace.

Here are some things that you can do to make you and your family people
of gratitude:
At breakfast and bedtime, encourage everyone in the family to thank God for
the special people in your lives.
At dinnertime, encourage every member of the family to mention one thing
that made them feel grateful during the day.
Make a list of the things in your lives that you are grateful for. Write each
thing on a slip of paper and create a gratitude jar. Encourage everyone in the
family to draw a slip from the jar whenever they are having a bad day.
Encourage your children to be grateful for the gift of nature, the air we
breathe, the light of the sun, and the beauty of the stars.
Teach your children that good manners are an expression of gratitude.
Saying thank you and, even, please are important ways to let people know
that you are grateful.
This approach will help you begin to see yourself, other people, the world
around you and the God that made you in a new and exciting way.
Gratitude will transform your life and your new attitude will become one more thing that you can be grateful for !

by Lorene Hanley Duquin
From Holy Name of Jesus Parish,Laval, Quebec, Canada Bulletin November 15, 2009

Learn About Our Site - Heal Your Life

Learn About Our Site - Heal Your Life

This a wonderful site I discovered from
It is really what can help, guide,and give another view of life for everyone to improve our everyday life.
It is a way life to keep, stay, look and live life in a positive way. This is wellness boost site for everyone.

It covers every wisdom, blogs, daily affirmations,
meditations,newsletters, events and contest.
This site contains all well written described
blogs that really can touch your mind,
spirit and soul such as:
The Wayne Dyer Blog
The Louise Hay Blog
The Christian Northrup Blog
and more like them that really can help heal
every needs.
With everyday wisdom lots of well known columnists,
such as; Deepak Chopra, M.D. ,
Jeff Henderson,
Lisa Williams, Peggy Wagner and more....
that give great stories that can help us revive our lives with helpful tips of how to improve our lifestyle.

This site has excellent video clips to watch that are also
inspirational that gives you testimonials and tools
to make your life a loving life. With little of life we have, we must give it the best, because life slips away before our eyes and we may feel often
that we haven't accomplished anything with it.
Like our dreams of making it in our lives,
passes like a wimp because we did not
pay attention or listen to that inner voice in us
to direct our destiny in the right direction.

We need to keep saying to ourselves
positive affirmations in order to
really make it in our lives which can improve
all our goals that we always dreamed about
to become a reality and fulfill them.

I recommend this site to all.
We can all use improvement in our lives.
It is free for everyone to join.

Here is an in Everyday Wisdom

Freedom, in fact, is the very source of creativity
for both individuals and society.
from:--His Holiness The Dalai Lama

One of Today's Affirmations
Everyday Miracles
by: Marianne Williamson
There is within each of us the possibility of magnificence.
Every moment is an opportunity to make it manifest.
Let the spirit awaken you to a miraculous life.

They share with you all their lovely books that
are great for you and your family. I really mean
it this is an amazing site. It will find your lost
fountain of youth in you.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

What has become with "Weddings,Traditions, Reception " ?

Weddings are supposed to be happy moments for the couple as well as the guests that are invited to
share this great day that brings joy to the couple where at the same time it recalls those whom are
married their own Wows which they made when they've made the decision to do so.
It is for most families a religious event that God Blesses The Union to become One.

It is the other rib that the God took from Adam when He created a women which we all know as Eve.
I just do not understand our younger generation how they do not focus in putting God in first place when
this event occurs. Especially that when you get married most often is to have a family with children that are
grown in a blessed holy home. The couple would grow as the children with good moral and values to help them become more fulfilled and accomplished even when the hard times arises.

I noticed these lots of couples want traditional weddings, I mean the reception at the expense of the guests because in most Italian weddings as a witness, they do not want gifts, just cash, this is bizarre for me. They invite you, and then if something should go wrong, because of job loss, or financial loss, instead of saying come over do not worry your presence is which I value the most, it has become if you can"t afford it do not come. I would personally would go out of my way to find what I can do to attend this reception. An Italian reception will have a wedding with more food that goes wasted that is not even eaten, that they can cut down, and make the reception to accommodate every one within their means. Especially, these days when we  live in society with a recession where the economy is bad or people starving.  

I know of French way of having a wedding and reception as witness because my husband is French. They invite with the simplest and down to earth wedding ceremony.  A reception with just down to earth menu, that at the same time we can attend, they value anything you give. I am happy, if it were for me just having a wedding reception meal example: with a soup, salad, BBQ chicken reception and the desert the wedding cake with ice-cream. This is simple and just perfect. My grandparents in the past, had reception this way and we were all happy, I wonder why the Italian reception tradition has changed.

Is to show off their friends? Is is to because it is once they get married have it all the way ?
Is because of all the hard work of bringing their kids up that they can splurge to
give them the biggest wedding of a Prince and Princess ?

It used to be the parents of the Bride would pay the reception and home furnishing would be the Grooms parents. Now, these traditions has changed for both nationality as a witness, because most often parents of the bride or groom are split often divorced. This makes it harder to accommodate their siblings. Really it is up to the couple whom is getting married to work and manage their own wedding and reception, unless their parents will pitch in, that is up to the individual's family's rights.

We are united in One God, the Word Of God from the bible states: Love your Neighbor as Yourself or Love Your Neighbor As I have Loved You, means the first love is shared with your partner which is your husband and those of your children which makes the union Blessed and A Stronger One. A marriage with no God does not work because it can be destructive that can lead to corruption to destroy the relationship that is intended to love till the end, as we say in the WoWs, till death do us part. Leads most often to divorce that we see these days, where our children are faced with, that have to deal two fathers and two mothers when marriage goes wrong, especially while our kids our still young. It affects their growth and loosing that touch of a real family that sweats together through all the trials of life. You take them as God gives them to you, all you have to do is love and endure with preservation, because we do not know what He holds for us in this walk of life. It is like a rose that has thorns and at the end of it their is the beautiful grown rose that has flourished with accomplishment and fulfilled with love.

Marriage is based on trust and less jealousy. Too much jealousy is no good, giving space to one another, putting the full trust in your partner, is the best you can give in a relationship to last forever. Also,
the dialogue with each other is the best we can offer, which the best tip is to write a love note to each other every day is a great idea. As I would suggest, a positive attitude with each other is a great way to let the relationship grow and live happier.

This is my point of view of weddings that I witnessed these days from my dearest closest relatives.

Maria Fiore Pilon
June 11, 2011

Images from Google NewLyWeds
& For Your Marriage Linked and the Nuptials rings with Worldwide Marriage Encounter


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our World Has Become With A Lesser God

I am always wondering what will happen with our new generations with no prayer in our schools because it is all taken away from them. The privilege and the freedom to pray is taken away everywhere these days. Although, their is a mixed religions society we all have a God, a Light, A Higher Being, A Higher Power to respond to, they would still will need to take moments of the day to pray whether an individual or a group. Even though there is controversy with this situation, I know as a witness that for generations passed people were more generous and giving. They ready to take and give.

I know that in our school days, we did not start our day with our Sign of the Cross or evening a little meditation before starting our daily tasks. It was a good lesson for me to know that when I was tested or in trouble, I know that I place my trust in God as the First Person to ask to help me with any requests asked and with His Time and Will, He will grant me whatever  I ask in Faith and Love for Him First. You know my life has had rocky times with all kinds of trials and with this grace that I had in me, I am able to move on, because I know that God Blesses us every moment of our life, it is just recognizing it and give Him thanks and Praises for all the wonders that occurs on our daily basis. Our work place was a place where the owners would always recompense the employees with something better with acknowledgement of their profits due to the hard working employees.

Have you noticed that there is more increases in violence and other horrible things happened since the decrease of prayer in our schools, it is where our growing foundation starts just like home. Schools was
the place where parents couldn't always reach out to the child with all needs. This is where schools would play the role in educating them spiritually with real values and morals. If the child is threatened at home at least the school was a place to learn that He or She can pray and place all their trust in God, so that He can provide answers spoken silently in their souls. There is in everyone of us that Voice that speaks to us, it is just
a matter of allowing His Holy Spirit fill us an answer within us with guidance and providence in whatever we need. He provides with assurance in His Full Mighty Power and Love.

Love is the key to all answers.
Prayer never hurts anyone, He will enlighten
and brings within us the awareness
that God Always Love Us Unconditionally.
